![urban_trasformation_ex_falk_areas (1)](http://www.caputopartnership.it/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/urban_trasformation_ex_falk_areas-1.jpg)
![urban_trasformation_ex_falk_areas (2)](http://www.caputopartnership.it/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/urban_trasformation_ex_falk_areas-2.jpg)
![urban_trasformation_ex_falk_areas (3)](http://www.caputopartnership.it/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/urban_trasformation_ex_falk_areas-3.jpg)
![urban_trasformation_ex_falk_areas (4)](http://www.caputopartnership.it/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/urban_trasformation_ex_falk_areas-4.jpg)
The urban project of trasformation and enhancement of areas Falck Sesto San Giovanni for the integrated programme of action which arises at the level of translation rules of architectural transformation project-urban processed by Renzo Piano. The P.I.I. and the urban project that embodied, is centered on themes of urban plan, redefining mobility and accessibility, related to the city’s open spaces (parks, squares, etc.), the amount of services, local excellence , housing policies, enhancement of memory and socio-cultural identity. The project includes a rich mix of functional pruposes aimed at creating an urban fabric that fulfils the role of ‘centrality’ “that the area is going to have to play in the near future, in relation to the objective of re-connectioning the parts of town today of former industrial fences separated that make up the Fund. This mix is based on the following functions: production, services, residences, receptive, and trade mixed functions compatible with its predecessors, complemented by public and/or private interest such as, among others, the town of hearth and research, education , cultural services. For this project Caputo Partnership collaborates with RPBW-Renzo Piano Building Workshop.